Women's Recovery Network

Your stay

In this section

Our goal is to create a comfortable, inclusive space that elevates your voice and promotes trust, kindness and respect.

Your room at Wren

Each person has a private room. Your room is your own space and you are welcome to bring personal items to make it more comfortable.

Your room comes equipped with a bed, side table, two power points, desk, chair, rubbish bin, wardrobe, armchair and an ensuite.

Preparing for your stay

You may want to set up your Alfred Patient Portal in advance. Otherwise, an Allied Health Assistant will help you get set up on arrival.

Nominate your support person early

If you already have someone in mind, you can complete the Nominated Support Person Form ahead of time. Otherwise, we will provide it in your welcome pack on arrival.

What to pack

When you arrive, an admissions staff member may check your belongings for any unsafe items. This just helps us to maintain a safe, therapeutic environment that promotes wellbeing and recovery.

Packing list

We suggest packing the following:


  • Comfy clothes for daytime on the ward, like pants with both short and long-sleeved tops
  • An outfit for any outings or walks
  • For sports activities, t-shirts, leggings, tracksuit pants, and runners/trainers
  • Comfortable shoes to wear around the ward like slippers, thongs, or slip-on flats
  • Pyjamas, plus something warm like a dressing gown or oversized jumper
  • Ample underwear and socks
  • Laundry facilities and products are available
  • We also have a Wren wardrobe, which has pre-loved clothing and new underwear if you forget something


  • Skin products including soap, body wash and moisturiser
  • Personal hygiene products including deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste and sanitary items
  • Hair products including shampoo, conditioner, brush or comb

When you arrive you will receive a welcome bag. It will include some toiletries like body wash, shampoo and a toothbrush. There is also a vending machine where you can buy toiletries and other items.

Other personal items

  • Prescriptions
  • Walking aids
  • Glasses
  • Hearing aids
  • Water bottle
  • Photos or personal items for your room
  • Books
  • Games, crosswords, word search
  • Laptop/tablet
  • Music devices and headphones
  • Art or craft supplies or other quiet activities
  • Personal pillow or blanket. Linen is provided but you are welcome to bring your own if you prefer

Safety checks

On admission, all belongings will be checked to ensure safety. Anything potentially unsafe will be put away and returned when you leave.

What not to bring

  • Plastic bags
  • Sharp objects of any kind
  • Alcohol and illicit drugs

Things to note:

Alcohol and illicit drugs

We ask you not to bring any with you. Alcohol or drugs are not to be consumed during your stay.

Cameras, photos and phones

We ask that you do not take photographs at Wren as it may compromise visitor confidentiality. We understand that most mobile phones have cameras, but we respectfully request that you do not use that function during your stay.

Electrical items

We ask that you present any electrical items the Wren team for a safety check. If there are any concerns (i.e. frayed or discoloured cables, etc.) you will be asked not to use the item during your stay. If needed, a family member can take these home for safekeeping.

Parents with infants

Our in-hospital postnatal care unit is referred to as 'Blossom' and can accommodate the needs of women* with infants. Babies can stay in their parents' room or in the nursery depending on your needs.


Eating disorder care

Our in-hospital eating disorder care unit is referred to as 'Sage'. We care for those who are medically stable but require high-level treatment and support. We recognise that recovery is unique for everyone and will provide you with a personalised care plan both during and after your stay.


Arriving at Wren

Reception is located close to the car park. When you arrive, let reception staff know you are here to stay at Wren.

Admission and peer welcome

Staff will call a peer worker to welcome you. If you have family or a support person with you, a carer peer worker may also meet them.

The peer worker will take you to level three to sign you in, then show you to your room.

Once you are settled and comfortable, the peer worker will give you a tour and introduce you to the team.

During your stay

You are encouraged to work with Wren team members based on mutual respect and expectations, and share and support other participants as well.

Working together

Each morning the Wren team facilitates a Mutual Help Meeting. These meetings give you an opportunity to either offer help or request it, and for other Wren participants to do the same.

Therapy groups

Although attendance is voluntary, participating in therapy groups is highly recommended as part of your treatment and care.

A copy of the group program will be displayed on the ward.

Feel free to ask a team member for more information about group sessions at any time during your stay.

Nothing about me without me

You are invited to participate in your recovery plan during your stay. For example, staff handovers are a collaborative process that centre on your preferences.

Children's activity book

This short video has been created to introduce the activity book to the children of Wren participants. They are guided through the book page by page in a fun and engaging way.