Care & support
At Wren, you are placed at the centre of your recovery journey. Your dedicated team will be here to support your wellbeing and healing.

Your care team
A personalised program will be built around your needs and wishes, with a combination of lived experience and clinical expertise.
Your care team includes clinicians, therapists, and peer workers with lived experience of mental healthcare — so you feel safe, supported and understood.
In-hospital or in-home options
We believe in choice, because your experience of care matters.
Together, we will discuss in-hospital or in-home support so you can make an informed, supported decision about the care option that suits you.
Postnatal care
We can accommodate women needing postnatal support as well as their infants where appropriate. At Wren, we aim to provide a safe, calm environment to focus on healing.
Eating disorder care
We also provide personalised treatment options for individuals experiencing an eating disorder who are medically stable but require high-level care.
Care plans are designed to support your recovery journey both during and after your stay with us.
Peer support program
Our goal is to create a comfortable, inclusive space. Peer workers use their lived experience expertise to assist you, share knowledge with you and engage with your support networks.
Our innovative peer support worker program offers multiple benefits:
- Guidance and support from people with lived experience of mental healthcare
- Sharing knowledge and experience to help ease any difficulties during your stay
- Teaching skills, offering practical advice and providing emotional support
- Connecting you with community resources
- Enhancing your peer support network
Along with co-designing our program, peer workers draw from their personal lived experience to assist you throughout your mental health journey, so you always feel heard and understood.
Building your network beyond Wren
At Wren, we encourage building a support team. This could be family members, friends, partners, or anyone who can support you during your journey. You can also nominate a dedicated support person. Find this form and other consent forms on our resources page.
Carers are also offered peer support from team members who have lived experience caring for someone during their recovery journey. If you would like to know more, please ask a team member.

Mutual expectations and beliefs
We believe in:
It's ok not to be ok – you can come as you are. We believe in recovery, whatever that looks for our clients.
Consumers, carers, and staff will treat each other with respect. We are doing our best, you are doing your best. We will not always get it right, but everyone will have their opinions heard, even if we don’t all agree.
Our lived experience team emphasises being welcoming, open, honest and inclusive, providing a safe space for you to work on your mental health and recovery goals, and providing care according to your needs and preferences.
Everybody has a right to safety, particularly sexual safety. Sexual activity with others whilst staying at Wren is not allowed.