Women's Recovery Network

About Wren

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About Wren Join the team

Wren is the Women’s Recovery Network. Our vision is to reshape inpatient mental health services for women to support their recovery journey.

Wren is the first public and private partnership of its kind, designed to transform mental health care for women*.

Clinicians, women and their support network come together to understand women’s experiences and develop gender, violence and trauma-informed care and support. We are committed to working in innovative ways to support women throughout their recovery journey.

As a first-of-its-kind service, we will listen, learn and share best practice with others.

Who is Wren for?

Wren provides specialist in-patient mental health treatment and care for women and anyone who identifies as a woman, aged 18 years and over, presenting with severe mental illness.

What we offer

A service created for women, by women. Specialising in expert-led, trauma-informed care delivered by a diverse community of professionals. We focus on collaborative decision-making, elevating your voice, on a shared journey towards your recovery.

Choose in-hospital or in-home care

We offer both inpatient and in-home support, built around your needs and wishes. If you would like to know more, talk to your GP or mental health clinician about getting a referral.

* We identify the importance of language and have carefully considered the use of 'women/woman' in this context. We recognise that language is ever-evolving and we use these terms to refer to anyone who self-identifies as a woman, regardless of sex assigned at birth or gender expression. We continue to support the gender diversity of our participants and respect their preferences. Our goal is to create a space that is inclusive, respectful, and welcoming of diverse gender expressions, while maintaining a focus on women’s mental health.

Family, friends and visitors

Visiting hours are as follows:

  • Monday to Friday 4 pm to 8 pm
  • Weekends and public holidays 12 noon to 8 pm

We do offer flexibility with visitors and visiting hours. Simply ask staff or a Wren team member if you have any questions or special requests.

Contact us

Wren Melbourne

Phone: (03) 9279 3750

Email: referral@womensrecovery.org.au

Wren Shepparton

Phone: (03) 5832 2322

Email: referral@womensrecovery.org.au